• Fundacion
  • Questro
  • Lema



Many thanks to Grupo Questro and the Questro Foundation for providing me with the scholarship that has allowed me to continue my education. Without your assistance I could not have done so. The Questro Foundation also provides me with high school uniforms and school supplies and the scientific calculator and USB memory stick that are expensive and indispensable to me in my studies.

Each month the Questro Foundation makes a deposit to my family’s account and we withdraw money to buy what I need for school. There are times when my parents cannot afford to pay the phone bill and this money also helps them with money to pay small debts for necessary expenses.

I always try to maintain good grades and be the best person I can be because I know that someday, if God allows me, I'll have a good profession and will be able to help my family and provide employment for others.

I would like to encourage young people who don’t have the opportunity to continue their studies, or who are struggling with addictions or vices. I would like to help them build a dignified life because I know that we all have dreams, and we all have the ability to realize them.

Scholarships from the Questro Foundation have helped many young people continue their studies. The people from the foundation are like angels who come to help us and give us the tools and strength to keep moving forward. The talks and lectures they provide in our meetings are very useful as well because they help us reflect upon and understand the values and responsibilities we must build and fulfill to become fully formed contributing members of society. I am certain there are more good people like the people in the Questro Foundation who provide service to others.

With nothing further at the moment, and with my best wishes, I extend many thanks for all you do for us.

Gabriela Rubi Campuzano Alvarado
04 Bachelors School Campus Evening Group 2A
Grade Point Average 9.6 (out of 10)

Thank you very much to Grupo Questro and the Questro Foundation for helping my family and me.

I would like to maintain my scholarship and the support you have provided until I finish University. From my heart I thank you for this opportunity to continue my education and also for the talks and lectures you provide that teach me to be a better human being, to appreciate the good things I have been given in this life, to help others be the best they can be, to believe in myself, to be a confident person and to be aware of how much more there is for me to learn.  This scholarship has helped me see that I can achieve more than I ever thought I could.  This scholarship and the programs that go with it have also given me the opportunity to learn how to manage myself both financially and morally.

With many thanks and the hope that I can achieve even more than what I have already accomplished.
Catalina Sierra Espindola
02 Bachelors School Campus Evening Group 1C
8.5 (out of 10) grade point average


The scholarship the Questro Foundation has given me and support from the Questro sponsors has been very helpful to my family. It has helped us buy food, school supplies, bus rides to school and has taught me how to work as part of a team.

It is a great help to know that each month funds are deposited to our account and that we have cash available when we need it.

Ever since the beginning of the school year I recently completed, the contributions of the Questro Foundation have helped me immensely and my family is very grateful for this support.

Assistance from the Questro Foundation means I can buy a backpack, uniforms, shoes, and supplies, have cash when I need it and the eyeglasses I need to read. I am honestly very grateful for this wonderful support.

Support from the Questro Foundation has also helped my dad in times of financial trouble, as I am able to lend him money when he needs it.


Aimé Ramirez
(624) 122-7557
04 Bachelors School Campus Evening Group 2C
Grade Point Average 9.6 (out of ten)

Good afternoon:

I am writing to thank the Questro Foundation for the scholarship I am receiving from them, without which I could not continue or complete my high school education.

Four months ago my father died, leaving my mother as the sole support for my three brothers, younger sister and me. One of my brothers is a sophomore in high school, one is in fifth grade, one is in third grade and my little sister is just about to begin pre-school. I am working weekends to help my mother with family expenses but still, we need and depend on your support now more than ever.

I am also grateful for the talks you have given about values. These have provided me with useful tools for life and for living more successfully and happily in society.

Adela Reyes de Jesus
Site COBACH 02 San Jose del Cabo B.C.S
Morning Group 2D
Grade Point Average 9 (out of 10)

The financial aid I have received from BECALOS and the Questro Foundation has helped me a lot, as has the seminar program which influences me to reflect on my values and put them into practice when making decisions in my daily life.

When my Mother found out I had received this scholarship she was very excited, because without assistance from the Questro Foundation and BECALOS it would be very difficult for me to continue my studies in COBACH (high school). We are very grateful also for the additional money they deposit which allows me to purchase the materials I need for school.

I think that all of the scholarship recipients are as grateful as I am for what you have done to help us and that I speak for everyone when I say thank you very much to the Questro Foundation and BECALOS de Televisa for the scholarships, financial assistance and values programs you have provided.

Reyna Gisel Leal Avila
COBASH Campus 04 Evening Group 2B
Grade Point Average 9 (out of 10)

Dear Questro Foundation and Becalos Televisa Foundation:

I write to you today to extend my sincere thanks for all the support you have given me. I am profoundly grateful not only for the financial aid you have provided but also for the personal and emotional assistance.

I congratulate you for being a dedicated group that works from the heart and provides such a great example of the amazing results that teamwork and cooperation can provide. I thank you for supporting and influencing generations of young people to give everything they have to become the best person they can be and to realize their dreams.

My sincere thanks also for your continued support for my education after I left COBACH 04 (high school), as your assistance served increase my commitment to achieving a high grade point average.

A thank you is very little compensation for everything you have done for me and for all the young people that you support.  

My best wishes to you.
May God Bless you today, tomorrow and forever.
Respectfully, a student at the College of Science and Technology, BCS
Grade Point Average 10 (out of 10)

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